This post below doesn't contain anything serious.
Metinlerarasilik, Cansu Ozge Ozmen, 2 mar 21, tue, 5:30pm
Intertextuality, eco-criticism, animal studies, anti-natalism (?) gibi konular var.
Ve 2 tane roman var bunlari uyarlamak icin. Anti-natalism yeni bir alan, pek kabul
goren yaygin felsefi bir sistem degil. Eco-criticism cok duyarsiniz. Felsefe okuyacagiz
Freedom ve Solar isimli 2 roman var. Kitap da yuklendi simdi. Eco-criticism belki
vizelerden sonra. Freedom ve Solar, anti-natalism ve eco-criticism icin uygun
incelemeye. Eco-criticism'i bir romana uygulamak istiyorsaniz, insanin yasadigi her
environment icin, anti-natalism ve eco-criticism farkli duyarlilik da inceleyecegiz.
Duyarli lit critler vasitasiyla yeni alanlar yaratilabilir, gender gibi. Eco-criticism
merkezde doga var. Insan degil. Why would bringing a child into this world be
unethical? Anti-natal. consent. It is not really fare to gift someone something
if this birth would come out as sth negative. White elephants are very expensive to
care for, they are albino. You are giving someone a life, but it would become a
burden as well. Reading is unethical because no-one is born. The idea of consent,
Neden rizasi disinda yaptin cocugu, buna itiraz nedir. Plausible objection ne
olabilir. Sometimes governments support more children. Ulkenin birth rate'i 2den
fazla olursa uzun vadede artacaktir. Environmentally conscious insanlarda, en fazla
carbon footprint icin 2 cocuktan fazlasi unethical. Simdi consent'den bahsettik.
I cannot ask that person to give consent, because they don't exist. It is not
irreversable burden. Once a person is born they have a vested interest in existence.
This will cause a lot of pain and suffering. This contradiction between having a
child and using resources for child. You don't know them, and they don't exist.
Other argument is who can you possibly have a child for? Not the child. For yourself.
To continue lineage, insurance policy, to feel and experience unconditional love of
a parent. For your state, for your country, sometimes for a political party. To save
marriage, to give birth before your elti does. Most of those reasons are quite selfish.
Tamamen altruistic, unselfish yasayacak olsan bile cocugun cikarlari icin yok.
Why wouldn't I bring a child into this world? World is a dangerous place.
Bad genes. Root of anti-natalism is the idea that coming into existence is harm.
It's just ordinary life itself. Someone who is not born is not existent. He doesn't
experience the pleasure. So, he doesn't exist and experience it. You exist and
you suffer. This suffer needn't be sth like huge tragedy. It can be an itch. They
don't look very happy. If they become alive they will suffer. Then they also
talk about suffering is not only about emotional pain. Everybody experiences them.
Common suffering. Being born. Death. Better to have loved and lost than never to have
loved at all, Tennyson. Better to have been born and suffered and died than never to
have been born at all. Haftaya, Schopenhaur ve Zapfe.
The end. 6:50 pm
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