Sunday, July 21, 2024

I shouldn't break the hearts of the women

I shouldn't break the hearts. Of people. Of the women. And of the ones I meet.

For the last few months my family (especially my mom) try to wedlock me to the girl they find. 

I have been introduced to many women and we couldn't arrange a marriage yet.

Bahar (Nov 2023, for 2 weeks; then again in Mar 2024 - Jul 2024). She was the most beautiful one and the brightest one. Ghosting me a lot. :)

Şeker (Dec 2023 - Jan 2024). She sent me just one pic of her. She was clever enough to not to argue with me while I was drunk. She didn't respond to my meal invitations. I think a person, especially a supposed to be your other half, should respond, either positive or negative, to the invitation made by the man/woman he/she is going to get married to. 

Maral (Feb 2024, Ankara). Well, this one was also good in terms of academy. She was doing PhD in Ankara. She was well responsive. 

Maral (Mar 2024 - Apr 2024, Turkmengala). She was religious and I couldn't meet her standards or belief.

Sona (May 2024). She got angry when she learnt that I was riding a motorcycle and doing food delivery instead of teaching English. She left me because I hold a "low-status" job - moto courier :)

Gulbahar (Mar 2024 - Apr 2024) She was the best I think in terms of communication. We had no problem until she was expecting the marriage proposal. I would have eventually made that proposal and married her, was she a bit patient.

Mahri (Jul 2024). After her split I'm writing this blog.

Gulalek (Jul 2024 - continues as of today. Today is 21 Jul 2024, Sun). She looks modest. I like her.

Zuleyha (Dec 2023 - continues) And most probably I would end up marrying this woman :)

After all of those I learned that I would get ghosted a lot. And I was ghosted by most of these women. Only responsive ones were Gulbahar and Maral from Ankara. Others, even Zuleyha I'm planning to marry, don't reply to the messages on time. And it makes my nerves jump. Thus, I wish them good luck and bid farewell. And to that, much to my surprise, the girls get angry :) Like, come on ladies. You are the one who ghosted me a lot. And I assume it as a lack of interest. And when there is no mutual interest, I think it's best to finish to unity, this tie.

Sometimes I get very angry to the degree that I want to break their heart. And I stop. I don't do it. And after some time pass, I recover from the anger and I'm glad that I didn't write something stupid to them. They were, after all, the ladies that liked me, even a little bit, and tried to get wedded with me. They tried, we tried, to some degree.

Thank God, I didn't break hearts. Instead, I choose to break my own heart. Let it be. I know I will recover.

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