uri OJ 1008 Salary problem: URI Online Judge | 1008
Timelimit: 1
Write a program that reads the number of an employee, the number of hours that he worked in a month and the amount he received per hour. Print the employee number and the salary that he will receive at end of the month, rounded to two decimal places.
- Don’t forget to print end line after the result otherwise you will get “Presentation Error”.
- Don’t forget the space before and after the equal signal and after the U$.
- Don’t forget to print end line after the result otherwise you will get “Presentation Error”.
- Don’t forget the space before and after the equal signal and after the U$.
The input file contains 2 integer numbers and 1 floating-point number, respectively the number, hours worked and the among received by an hour worked.
Print the number and the salary of the employee, according to the given example, with a blank space before and after the equal signal.
Sample Input | Sample Output |
25 100 5.50 | NUMBER = 25 SALARY = U$ 550.00 |
and here is my c++ solution to uri OJ 1008 Salary problem:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// your code goes here
float a, b, c;
cout<<"NUMBER = "<<a<<endl<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<"SALARY = U$ "<<b*c<<endl;
return 0;